Your Essential Guide on How to Get European Union Citizenship in 2024

Published: 19 May 2024

Seeking European Union citizenship? Achieving this valuable status is possible through several avenues—ancestry, long-term residency, marriage, or investment. Our no-fluff guide on “how to get European Union citizenship” succinctly presents each pathway, providing practical insights into the pursuit of an EU passport. Ready to unravel the process? Let’s delve into the routes that could lead to your new European citizenship.

Key Takeaways

  • EU citizenship is supplemental to national citizenship within EU member states, with primary acquisition routes including descent, naturalization, marriage, special contributions, and investment programs.
  • Investment routes, such as Malta’s Citizenship by Investment Program and various Golden Visa programs, provide a faster track to EU citizenship, with different countries offering varied investment opportunities.
  • An EU passport provides extensive benefits such as the freedom to live, work, and study in any EU country, visa-free travel across EU nations, access to tax optimization, social security, healthcare and the ability to pass on citizenship to future generations.

Pathways to EU Citizenship: An Overview

Although becoming an EU citizen might seem like a mysterious journey at first, it becomes less intimidating with a clear roadmap. Established by the Maastricht Treaty, EU citizenship is supplementary to your national citizenship within the EU. That means if you have the nationality of an EU member state, you automatically qualify as an EU citizen. It’s like having a VIP pass that opens doors to all EU countries.

The primary legal avenues for obtaining EU citizenship are as diversified as the European landscape itself. To obtain European citizenship, one can explore options such as:

  • Descent: Many EU countries grant citizenship through jus sanguinis (right of blood), allowing individuals to claim citizenship based on their parents’ or sometimes grandparents’ nationality. This is often the simplest route, as it requires proving a familial connection through birth records and other documentation.
  • Naturalization: This common method requires applicants to have lived in the country for a certain period, typically between 5 and 10 years. Candidates must demonstrate integration into the society, often shown through language proficiency, economic activity, and knowledge of the nation’s culture and laws.
  • Marriage: Marrying an EU citizen can expedite the citizenship process, though requirements vary by country. Generally, this route necessitates a set period of marriage and residency within the EU country before citizenship is granted.
  • Special contributions: Some states offer citizenship in recognition of special contributions to the country, such as significant cultural, scientific, or economic contributions. This route is less common and usually requires evidence of exceptional achievements.
  • Investment programs: Several EU countries offer citizenship by investment programs, which allow individuals to obtain citizenship through significant financial investments in the local economy, such as real estate purchases or contributions to national development funds.

From tracing your ancestral roots to investing in an EU member state’s economy, these pathways offer multiple opportunities to obtain an EU passport. Each route, however, comes with its own set of eligibility criteria. For instance, naturalization applicants must generally meet criteria such as legal residence, language proficiency, and societal integration. But what do these pathways entail? We delve into each one next.

Tracing Your Roots: Citizenship by Descent

Just as an old family photo album can reveal surprising connections to the past, so can the principle of descent open unexpected doors to EU citizenship. This pathway can be claimed by individuals who can prove their ancestral connection to an EU country, often extending to emigrants’ descendants. Picture it as a birthright handed down through generations, like a family heirloom.

However, eligibility varies, generally involving having parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents who were citizens, with some countries permitting dual citizenship. As if piecing together a family tree, applicants must assemble documentation proving the ancestral connection to the country of application. In some cases, people from specific groups, such as Latin Americans, Sephardic Jews, and residents of former colonies, have unique pathways for claiming citizenship by descent in countries like Portugal and Spain.

Establishing a New Home: Naturalization as an EU Citizen

Just as a seed needs time and nurturing to grow into a tree, so does the path of naturalization require patience and dedication. This route to EU citizenship involves establishing a new home in an EU country and integrating into its society. Think of it as laying down roots and becoming an integral part of the local community.

A common baseline residency requirement for naturalization is five years, although this can range from as low as three years to as high as ten years, depending on the country. As part of the naturalization process, most EU countries require:

  • proficiency in their national language, ranging from basic to intermediate levels
  • knowledge of the country’s culture, history, and politics
  • a declaration of loyalty or a positive attitude towards the country

Think of it as a heartfelt pledge of allegiance to your new home.

Union by Matrimony: Acquiring EU Citizenship Through Marriage

Just as love transcends borders, so does the bond of marriage offer a path to EU citizenship. Marriage to an EU citizen can lead to obtaining EU citizenship, symbolizing a union not only of two hearts but also of two nationalities.

However, the process varies depending on the specific regulations of each EU country. It’s like each country has its own unique wedding tradition. Hence, if you’ve committed to an EU citizen, you may also find yourself embracing a European passport!

Obtain Citizenship by Investment Program

The Citizenship by Investment Program offers a unique opportunity for individuals to acquire citizenship through significant financial contributions to a country’s economy. By investing in government-approved projects, such as real estate or national development funds, investors can fast-track their citizenship process. This program not only facilitates greater global mobility with potential visa-free travel but also enhances access to business opportunities and tax advantages in the host country.

Moreover, the program typically includes options for family inclusion, allowing investors to secure a better future for their dependents. As countries seek to attract foreign capital, these programs are carefully regulated to ensure compliance with international standards, ensuring that the investments contribute positively to the nation’s economic growth.

Navigating Investment Routes for EU Citizenship

If you’re aiming for a rapid path to EU citizenship, exploring investment routes can be your gateway. These investment options, which include Malta’s Citizenship by Investment program and several Golden Visa residency schemes, present a direct avenue to acquiring an EU passport through significant financial contributions to the economies of EU member states.

Key EU destinations offering investment-based citizenship and residency include:

  • Portugal: Known for its Golden Residence Permit Program, Portugal offers a Golden Visa that is particularly popular among non-EU investors seeking to combine lifestyle and investment benefits.
  • Spain: Spain’s Residence by Investment Program offers a pathway to residency with an option to progress to citizenship, attracting investors with its vibrant culture and robust economic environment.
  • Greece: The Greece Golden Visa Program allows significant real estate investments to pave the way for residency, providing access to the beautiful landscapes and historical heritage of Greece.
  • Malta: The Maltese Citizenship by Investment Program appealing due to Malta’s strategic location and economic stability.
  • Cyprus: Although currently on hold, the Cyprus Citizenship by Investment Program has historically offered expedited citizenship, aligning with investors’ desires for a favorable tax regime and strategic geographical position.

These programs not only facilitate significant economic contributions but also enable investors to deeply integrate into the European lifestyle and culture, enhancing their global mobility and access to the EU market.

Investing in Malta: A Track to Maltese Citizenship

Investing in Malta offers a pathway to Maltese citizenship through the “Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment” scheme, which is governed by the Direct Investment Regulations (SL 188.06) under the Maltese Nationality Act Cap. 188, LN437 of 2020. This program allows individuals and their families to obtain citizenship through naturalization in exchange for significant economic contributions to the country.

Malta, a Mediterranean gem known for its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, provides a compelling option for investors seeking a European passport. To be eligible for this program, investors must purchase residential property in Malta with a minimum value of €700,000 and maintain ownership for at least five years. Additionally, applicants must be at least 18 years old and meet other stringent due diligence requirements, ensuring that only reputable individuals can benefit from this opportunity.

This investment not only opens the door to Maltese citizenship but also grants access to the broader European Union, enhancing mobility and business opportunities across Europe.

The Golden Visa Gateway: Exploring EU Residency Programs

The Golden Visa programs serve as coveted gateways to European Union residency, offering high-net-worth individuals the opportunity to secure a foothold in the EU through strategic financial investments. Countries like Greece, Spain, and Portugal have become popular destinations for these programs, which typically involve real estate purchases or substantial donations to the national economy.

However, the rules governing these programs are in constant flux, adapting to economic demands and political climates. For example:

  • Spain: is currently considering an increase in the minimum investment required to qualify for its Golden Visa, signaling a shift towards attracting more substantial investments.
  • Greece: has already implemented a significant increase, doubling the required investment for prospective residents.
  • Portugal: has recently revised its investment options, refining the program to better align with national economic goals and addressing local housing concerns.

These adjustments reflect each nation’s strategic approach to balancing foreign investment with domestic needs. For investors, staying informed of these changes is crucial as they navigate the complex landscape of EU residency programs, akin to playing a sophisticated game of chess where each move is carefully planned to maximize benefits while aligning with evolving regulations.

Legal Prerequisites and Documentation for EU Citizenship

Acquiring EU citizenship is not just about fulfilling the eligibility criteria — you also need the right paperwork to obtain citizenship. The legal prerequisites and documentation for EU citizenship can vary by country and may include residency permits, language proficiency, and citizenship tests. Consider it as piecing together a complex puzzle to portray the picture of your new identity.

Think of it as collecting all necessary ingredients to concoct the perfect dish – your EU citizenship. To obtain EU citizenship, follow the required steps and gather the essential documents.

Permanent Residence Permit: Your Key to Citizenship

Permanent Residence Permit serves as a crucial stepping stone towards gaining citizenship in many countries. This permit typically allows individuals to live, work, and study in the host country indefinitely, providing a stable foundation for a long-term future. After holding a permanent residence for a specified period, typically ranging from five to ten years, individuals may become eligible to apply for full citizenship through a process known as naturalization.

Securing this permit often requires applicants to meet stringent requirements, including financial stability, a clean criminal record, and sometimes language proficiency. For many, obtaining a permanent residence permit is the first significant step in fully integrating into a new country and eventually achieving citizenship, opening up a host of benefits, rights and obligations that come with being a citizen.

Preparing for the Citizenship Test

Just as a student needs to pass exams to graduate, so do prospective EU citizens need to pass a citizenship test. The naturalization process in most EU countries includes a citizenship test designed to assess the applicant’s knowledge of:

  • the country’s language
  • legal system
  • society
  • history

It’s like an exam to prove your readiness to become a citizen of the EU.

Citizenship tests usually consist of multiple-choice questions, oral discussions, and language assessments to evaluate the applicant’s integration and understanding of societal norms. Applicants can prepare for the test by studying official handbooks, engaging in language courses, and utilizing practice tests to familiarize themselves with the test format. Successfully passing the citizenship test is crucial as it demonstrates the applicant’s dedication and readiness to become an engaged and informed EU citizen. Think of it as securing a badge of honor that authenticates your dedication to your new EU identity.

The Benefits of Holding an EU Passport

Once you’ve secured your EU passport, you’ve essentially won a golden ticket to a myriad of benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • The right to live, study and work in any EU country
  • Visa-free travel to EU countries
  • Tax optimization opportunities
  • Access to healthcare and social security benefits
  • The ability to pass on your EU citizenship to future generations

An EU passport is more than just a travel document. It’s a precious key to unlocking a world of possibilities.

Imagine being able to work in bustling London, study in historic Athens, or retire in sunny Spain — all with the same passport. And when you feel like exploring the world, your EU passport allows you to travel visa-free to numerous countries outside the European Union, adding to the ease of international travel. Visualize it as a magic carpet whisking you away to any corner of the EU and beyond.

Economic Perks and Professional Opportunities

With EU citizenship, you’re not only gaining a passport but also an invitation to a thriving economic landscape. The privilege to live, work, and conduct business across all EU member states allows you to explore diverse professional opportunities and work environments. Envision it as being handed a blank canvas and the liberty to chart your own professional journey.

Beyond employment opportunities, having EU citizenship can provide opportunities for tax optimization. The ability to choose a fiscal residence from among multiple countries, each with its own taxation schemes, could result in significant financial benefits. Think of it as the flexibility to scout for the most advantageous tax deals!

Social and Political Rights as an EU Citizen

As an EU citizen, you’re not just a passive observer — you’re an active participant in the European political process. EU citizens have the right to vote in European and municipal elections wherever they live in the EU and can run for office as candidates. Consider it as being part of an exclusive club where your voice matters.

Moreover, EU law guarantees social protections to its citizens, providing support through various life stages including education, employment, and retirement. It’s like having a safety net ensuring that you’re taken care of, no matter what life throws at you.

Special Considerations for Dual Nationality

As you embark on your journey to EU citizenship, you might find yourself in the unique position of holding dual nationality. This situation involves navigating a maze of varying laws among EU member states and potential legal conflicts. Consider it as having dual citizenship, each with its unique rules and regulations.

Varying nationality laws between EU Member States can cause legal conflicts, as observed in cases brought before the European Court of Justice. Think of it as maneuvering through a legal maze, where each twist and turn presents a fresh challenge.

Renouncing Your Previous Citizenship: Is It Necessary?

The question of whether to renounce your previous citizenship is like standing at a crossroads. Certain European countries such as Austria, Germany, Estonia, Spain, and the Netherlands maintain strict rules on dual citizenship, often requiring individuals to renounce their previous nationality under specific circumstances. In the case of Austrian citizenship, consider it as being requested to relinquish your old identity to adopt a new one.

For instance, Spain generally does not allow dual nationality for new citizens, reinforcing the policy that incoming individuals must relinquish any former citizenship. It’s like a rite of passage, symbolizing a complete transition to your new EU identity.

Securing EU Citizenship for Family Members

Just as a tree extends its branches, so does the opportunity to secure EU citizenship extend to your family members. Various processes exist for securing EU citizenship for family members, including different processes for children born abroad and residency options like the EU Blue Card. It’s like planting seeds of EU citizenship for your loved ones.

Non-EU family members, including spouses and children, can accompany their EU family member to the country where the EU citizen resides, with procedures varying depending on the duration of stay. Think of it as inviting your family to join you on your European expedition.

Children Born Abroad: Claiming Descent Citizenship

Children born abroad can also embark on the journey to EU citizenship. They can claim descent citizenship based on their parents EU citizenship, like a birthright passed down through generations. Consider it as a gift of EU citizenship, wrapped and tied with the ribbon of familial bonds.

The specific conditions and extent to which citizenship by descent can be claimed differ among EU member states, with some allowing grandchildren or even great-grandchildren to inherit citizenship. Even if children are born to EU citizens in a non-EU country and do not acquire citizenship at birth, they may still be eligible to apply for descent citizenship at a later time. Residency rights in the EU for children who have claimed descent citizenship may continue even in situations such as the death or divorce of the EU citizen parent. It’s like a legacy of EU citizenship that endures through time.

The Changing Landscape of EU Citizenship Programs

As the sands of time shift, so does the landscape of EU citizenship programs. With updates to Golden Visa programs, the path to EU citizenship is ever-evolving. Imagine it as a river that ceaselessly alters its course, carving fresh pathways through the landscape.

For instance, EU countries, each being a European country, include:

have been known as the easiest for obtaining residence or citizenship through various means, including investment programs. Consider it as a vibrant marketplace, with fresh opportunities continually surfacing.

Updates on Golden Visa Programs Across the EU

Just as fashion trends change with the seasons, so do the Golden Visa programs across the EU. These programs are undergoing changes, with some countries increasing investment requirements or discontinuing certain pathways. Think of it as a fashion runway, with each season revealing a fresh array of investment options.

For example, some recent changes to Golden Visa programs include:

  • Spain plans to increase the minimum investment for its Golden Visa to EUR 1 million
  • Greece has doubled its investment minimum for golden visas from €250,000 to €500,000
  • Italy continues to offer its Golden Visa program, granting residency for investors who make a minimum investment of €500,000

It’s like a shifting landscape, with each change opening up new vistas of opportunities.


From tracing your ancestral roots to investing in the economy of an EU country, the pathways to EU citizenship are as diverse as the European landscape itself. Each route comes with its unique set of benefits and challenges. But whatever path you choose to navigate, the journey to EU citizenship is a voyage of discovery, offering a world of opportunities and the chance to be part of a vibrant and diverse community. Whether you’re embracing a new identity, exploring new horizons, or setting down roots in a new home, the journey to EU citizenship is, in itself, a testament to the spirit of unity and diversity that the European Union embodies.

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