Countries where you can buy citizenship, and how much does it cost?

In an increasingly globalized world, the concept of purchasing citizenship has emerged as a viable option for many. A number of investment countries offer citizenship or residency programs in exchange for significant financial investment, each with its own unique set of requirements, benefits, and costs. This article will explore the various citizenship-by-investment programs around the world, comparing their key features and differences. From the sun-soaked beaches of the Malta, tropical paradise Dominica to the bustling cities of Egypt.

Citizenship by investment programs worldwide

Citizenship by programs for financial investments offer individuals the opportunity to legally acquire a new nationality in exchange for a significant financial contribution or investment in the host country. These programs are particularly attractive to individuals seeking to enhance global mobility, secure business opportunities, or achieve greater personal security.

Caribbean citizenship programs: options and features

The allure of the Caribbean, with its pristine beaches and clear blue waters, extends beyond tourism to the realm of citizenship by investment (CBI) programs. These programs offer a pathway to citizenship for those willing to make a significant financial investment in the host country. Let’s explore the options and features of various Caribbean CBI programs.

Dominica’s accessible path to citizenship

Dominica’s CBI program, established in 1993, is one of the most cost-effective options, requiring a min. investment of $100,000 USD (cheapest citizenship). This investment grants the investor visa-free travel to 143 countries and the opportunity to be part of a nation known for its natural beauty and cultural richness.

Caribbean citizenship programs

The pionier program St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis boasts the oldest and the pionier CBI program, initiated in 1984. With a min. investment of $250,000 USD, investors can enjoy visa-free travel to 155 countries. This program is designed to support the country’s infrastructure and citizens, reflecting its commitment to economic growth and investor benefits.

Vanuatu the fastest route to citizenship

Vanuatu, while not geographically located in the Caribbean, offers a CBI program with a unique appeal. Established in 2014, it’s the fastest program among the commonwealth countries, providing citizenship within 3-6 months and visa-free travel to 98 countries for a min. investment of $130,000 USD.

Each of these programs has distinct advantages, from Dominica’s affordability to St. Kitts and Nevis’s long-standing reputation and Vanuatu’s rapid processing times. Potential investors must consider their personal and financial goals when choosing the right program, as each offers a unique blend of benefits, minimum investment requirement, and global access.

European investment countries offering citizenship by investment

Europe is a continent that is open to foreign investors.

In Europe, several investment countries offer citizenship by investment programs, which are designed to attract foreign investors. These programs often require a significant investment in the country’s national development fund, real estate, or government bonds. The minimum investment varies by country and program.

For example Austria offers citizenship to foreigners who have made exceptional achievements in areas such as science, sports, arts, or business, including philanthropy. Austria is ranked 4th in the world in passport rank. The process of obtaining citizenship in Austria typically takes between 12-36 months, and the total cost for a family, including a spouse and children up to 18 years old, starts at EUR 4 million.

Malta, North Macedonia and Turkey (transcontinental country), Cyprus (on hold) are other countries which also offer citizenship by programs for financial investments.

It’s important to note that this investment programs offer the opportunity to obtain citizenship as a return on investment. The process of acquiring citizenship through these programs is typically faster and less bureaucratic than traditional immigration processes, making them attractive to individuals and families seeking to acquire dual citizenship for themselves and future generations.

These programs also offer a range of citizenship benefits, including visa-free access to many countries, a favorable tax environment, and the potential for significant returns on investment.

Understanding the citizenship program of Malta

The Individual Investor Programme of Malta, also known as the Malta citizenship by investment program, is a robust and attractive option for overseas investors seeking to acquire citizenship in a European Union member state. Established in 2014, this program is considered one of the strongest in the industry.

To obtain Maltese citizenship, applicants are required to make significant financial contributions, which are used to support the National Growth Fund of the investment country and other government-approved projects.

Citizenship of Malta

To grant citizenship Maltese, three business investments are necessary

  • Investment 1 – a single donation to the government is required. This can be either €750,000 EUR for a one-year residency or €600,000 EUR for a three-year residency.
  • Investment 2 – an investment in real estate is necessary. This can be either a €700,000 EUR investment for a 5-year holding period, or a 5-year rental agreement with a minimum annual rent of €16,000 EUR.
  • Investment 3 – a single donation of €10,000 EUR to a charity is required.

Obtaining citizenship in Malta is not just about making the necessary financial contributions. Applicants must also meet certain eligibility criteria, which may include having a clean criminal record and providing the necessary documentation to immigration officials.

In return for their investment, applicants are granted citizenship, which comes with numerous benefits. As a citizen of Malta, an EU member state, individuals enjoy visa-free travel to over 189 countries, including the USA, Canada, and the UK. They also have the right to live in any of the EU countries.

This makes Malta one of the places where you can buy citizenship and enjoy extensive travel benefits.The Maltese citizenship program is not just an investment route for the applicants but also a means of securing a favorable future for their generations. The program allows for multiple citizenship, meaning that the benefits can be passed on to next generations.

Benefits of the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship program

Antigua and Barbuda citizenship program

The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship investment program offers a range of benefits to foreign investors who are interested in acquiring dual citizenship. This program is part of a broader trend of countries where you can buy citizenship, offering a variety of investment programs to attract non-local investors.

One of the key benefits of the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship program is the opportunity for visa-free access to 151 countries, including the EU Schengen Zone and the UK. This benefit can be particularly attractive to individuals and families who value global mobility and the ability to travel visa-free for business or leisure.

The program requires a minimum investment, which can be made in several ways. The first option investment opportunities is a donation of $100,000 to the country’s National Development Fund + $30,000 USD (Government Fees), which supports national development projects and initiatives. This option is straightforward and does not involve the purchase or management of any assets. Alternatively, investors can choose to make a real estate investment of at least $200,000 in government-approved projects. Joint investments are also possible, with a minimum contribution of $400,000 per person and a total investment of at least $5 million. Another option is to establish a business in Antigua and Barbuda with a minimum investment of $1.5 million. This option can be attractive to entrepreneurs and business owners.

The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship program is not just about the initial investment. It’s also about the long-term benefits that can be enjoyed by offspring. Once granted citizenship, individuals and their family members become citizens for life, and this status can be passed on to future generations. This means that the benefits of the program, including visa-free travel and the potential for a favorable tax environment, can be enjoyed by later generations.

Dominica’s citizenship program: costs and benefits

Dominica’s citizenship by investment program, established in 1993, is one of the oldest and most respected in the industry. This program is designed to attract overseas investors to aid in the development of Dominica’s tourism industry and infrastructure.

Investment options

Investors have two investment opportunities to obtain citizenship in Dominica:

  1. Economic Development Fund (EDF) – a non-refundable contribution starting at $100,000 USD for a single applicant, with increased amounts for additional family members.
  2. Real Estate Investment – an investment in government-approved real estate projects with a minimum value of $200,000 USD, which must be held for at least three years
Dominica's citizenship program

Benefits for investors

The benefits of acquiring citizenship in Dominica extend beyond the ability to travel visa-free to 143 countries. Investors can enjoy a favorable tax environment, with no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax. Additionally, there are no residency requirements. This makes Dominica’s citizenship program particularly appealing to international clients seeking global citizenship.

Family inclusion

The program also allows for the inclusion of family members in the application. This includes the investor’s spouse, children under 18 years old, financially dependent children from 18 to 30, and parents over 65 years old who are significantly dependent on the investor.

A stable and welcoming country

Dominica is known for its natural beauty, stable government, and welcoming culture, making it an ideal target for acquiring citizenship by investment. Investors can enjoy a high standard of living and the peace of mind that comes with being part of a community that values environmental conservation and sustainable development.

Real estate investment options for citizenship

Real estate investment is a popular route for obtaining citizenship in many countries. This method is often favored as it provides a tangible asset that generally retains its value, even amidst economic downturns and global uncertainties.

Numerous nations offer citizenship by programs for financial investments, where overseas investors can acquire citizenship through significant investment in real estate. These countries recognize the potential of foreign investment to stimulate their economies, create jobs, and contribute to national development funds.

Alternative ways to acquire citizenship through property investment

Investment programs and options

The real estate programs vary from country to country, each with its unique criteria and minimum investment requirements.

Generally, these programs require investors to make a substantial investment in residential property or government-approved projects. The minimum investment can range from $100,000 to over $2 million, depending on the country and the specific program.

Benefits of real estate investment for citizenship

Investing in real estate for citizenship comes with numerous benefits. Firstly, investors can enjoy visa-free travel or visa on arrival access to numerous countries, depending on the passport of the country they obtain citizenship from. Secondly, investors can benefit from a favorable tax environment in many of these countries, with no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax.

Moreover, investors can secure a better future for their family members as most programs allow for the inclusion of family members in the application. This means that the benefits of citizenship can be extended to spouses, children, and dependent relatives, securing the next generations.

The investment application process

The investment application process typically involves making the initial investment, providing documentation immigration officials, and meeting certain requirements such as a clean criminal record. Some countries may also require a bank deposit or a donation to the National Growth Fund of the country or economic diversification fund. Once the application is approved, investors and their families are conferred citizenship, which often includes the benefits of multiple citizenship, allowing them to maintain their original nationality.

Real estate investment for citizenship offers a unique combination of benefits for foreign investors. It provides an alternative to typical immigration processes, offering a quicker route to obtaining citizenship. With the potential for significant returns on investment and the added benefits of global citizenship, it’s a compelling choice for those seeking to acquire citizenship through investment.

Comparing investment thresholds across different countries

Investment thresholds, or the minimum amount of capital required to participate in various investment programs, can differ significantly across countries. This is particularly evident in the realm of citizenship by programs, where overseas investors can obtain citizenship or residency in a country by making a significant financial contribution.

For instance, in the Caribbean, countries like Dominica and Antigua & Barbuda have set their investment (minimum) for citizenship at $130,000. This investment typically goes into the National Growth Fund of the country, which is used to finance various infrastructure and social projects. On the other hand, St. Kitts and Nevis, known for its long-standing citizenship by investment program, requires a higher minimum investment of $250,000.

In conclusion, the investment thresholds for citizenship by investment programs vary across different countries because each program offering unique benefits and requirements. It’s important for potential investors to thoroughly research and understand these differences when considering which program to participate in.

Legal procedures for obtaining citizenship by investment

The legal procedures for obtaining citizenship by investment are a structured and meticulous process that ensures the integrity of the program and the suitability of the applicants. These procedures typically involve the following steps:

  1. Making the required investment – applicants must make a significant financial contribution to the host country. This could be through a donation to theNational Growth Fund of the country, a real estate investment, or purchasing government bonds.
  2. Submitting an application – the application process requires the submission of various documents, which may include proof of the investment, personal identification, and financial records. The documentation required is carefully reviewed by immigration officials.
  3. Due diligence process – a thorough due diligence process is conducted to assess the applicant’s background. This includes checking for a clean criminal record and verifying the source of the investment funds.
  4. Approval and granting citizenship – once the investment and application are approved, and the due diligence process is completed, the applicant is granted citizenship. This process can lead to dual citizenship, allowing individuals to enjoy the benefits of citizenship in both their home country and the host country.
  5. Visa-Free travel and other benefits – citizenship often provide the added benefit of visa-free access to many countries, including those in the European Union and Schengen area.
  6. Family inclusion – many citizenship allow the inclusion of family members in the application, providing an opportunity for next generations to benefit from the investment.
  7. Permanent residency – in some cases, the investment may initially grant permanent residency, which can eventually lead to citizenship through a naturalization process.
  8. Economic growth and job creation – the investments made through these programs often contribute to the host country’s economic growth by creating jobs and funding government-approved projects.

At Imperial Citizenship, we specialize in guiding clients through the citizenship by investment application process, ensuring they meet all the requirements and choose the best investment route for their needs.

Our expertise in various citizenship by investment programs worldwide allows us to provide tailored advice and support to those seeking to acquire citizenship through investment.

Legal procedures for obtaining citizenship by investment

The impact of citizenship by investment on taxation

The impact of citizenship by investment on taxation

It’s important to note that tax laws are complex and vary from country to country. The impact of obtaining citizenship by investment on taxation can be significant and multifaceted. This process, also known as economic citizenship, involves acquiring a second citizenship by making a substantial investment in a country’s economy. The tax implications of this process can vary greatly depending on the specific tax laws of the countries involved.

Income tax

When you obtain citizenship by investment, you may become a tax resident in the new country. This means you could be subject to tax on your worldwide income, depending on the country’s tax laws. Some countries offer, like the Caribbean nations, citizenship by programs for financial investments, do not tax worldwide income, capital gains, gifts, wealth, and inheritance.

Double taxation

If you maintain tax residency in your original country, you may be subject to taxation in both countries. This could lead to double taxation on the same income. Many countries have double tax treaties to prevent this.

Exit taxes

Some countries impose exit taxes on individuals who change their tax residency or give up their citizenship. This is a tax on unrealized gains and is triggered when you become a non-resident.

Inheritance tax

Some countries impose wealth or inheritance taxes. Obtaining a second citizenship in a country without these taxes could potentially result in significant tax savings.

Tax planning opportunities

Dual citizenship can provide opportunities for tax planning. For example, it may be possible to structure your affairs so that income is earned and taxed in the most favorable jurisdiction.

Family inclusion in citizenship by programs for financial investments

Citizenship by programs for financial investments often include provisions for family inclusion, allowing not just the primary applicant but also their family members to acquire citizenship. This feature is particularly beneficial for those seeking to secure a better future for their family, providing them with the benefits of multiple citizenship, such as visa-free access, better education and healthcare, and increased business opportunities.

The specifics of family inclusion can vary from one citizenship by investment program to another. Some programs allow the inclusion of a spouse and dependent children, while others may extend to parents and even siblings.

Family inclusion in citizenship

The definition of ,,dependent” can differ, with some countries setting age limits for children to be included in the application.

For instance, Caribbean countries offer citizenship by investment programs that allow the inclusion of dependent children under the age of 30 and dependent parents or grandparents over the age of 55. Similarly, the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program allows the inclusion of dependent children under the age of 27 and dependent parents or grandparents without any age limit.

The inclusion of family members in the citizenship by investment application often requires additional investment or donation. The exact amount can vary based on the how many family members included and the specific requirements of the program. It’s important to note that all family members included in the application must meet the eligibility criteria of the program. This typically involves providing documentation to immigration officials and demonstrating a without criminal charges.

Dual citizenship considerations and restrictions

Dual citizenship considerations and restrictions

Dual nationality, is a legal status where an individual is recognized as a citizen of two countries simultaneously. This status offers numerous benefits, such as the ability to live, work, and study in both countries, as well as the freedom to travel visa-free to various destinations around the world. However, dual citizenship also comes with certain considerations and restrictions that must be taken into account.

One of the primary considerations is the potential for double taxation. Some countries tax their citizens on worldwide income, which means that individuals with dual citizenship may be required to file tax returns and pay taxes in both countries. Another aspect is the obligation to comply with the laws of both countries. This can include military service, jury duty, and other civic responsibilities.

Criteria for eligibility in citizenship by investment programs

Eligibility criteria for these programs typically include:

  • making the required investment;
  • having a clear criminal history (no criminal convictions);
  • successfully passing a thorough due diligence process.

The requirements can vary depending on the country and the specific citizenship by investment program. The required investment can take several forms. Some nations offer citizenship in exchange for a direct contribution to the National Growth Fund of the country (bank deposit). Others require an investment in government bonds, real estate, or other government-approved projects.

Criteria for eligibility in citizenship by investment programs

The due diligence process typically involves a comprehensive background check to ensure that the applicant has a clean criminal record and is of good character. This process is designed to protect the integrity of the citizenship by investment program and the country’s reputation.

In addition to the financial requirements and the due diligence process, applicants may also need to meet other criteria. For example, some programs require the applicant to spend a certain amount of time in the country, either before or after obtaining citizenship. Others may require the applicant to demonstrate a certain level of knowledge about the country’s culture, history, and language.

The future of passport rankings and citizenship by investment

passport rankings and citizenship by investment

The future of passport rankings and citizenship by programs for financial investments is expected to be dynamic and transformative, with more countries introducing such programs to attract overseas investors and stimulate their economies.

Passport rankings, which measure the travel freedom that citizens of various countries enjoy, have seen significant changes over the years. For example in 2024 European countrie Austria offering citizens visa-free access to 189 countries destinations.

This is a shift from the previous years when Singapore and Japan held the top spots. The passport rankings are expected to continue evolving, influenced by geopolitical shifts, international relations, and changes in visa policies.

Citizenship by investment programs

The future of passport rankings and citizenship by investment programs is promising, with more countries recognizing the economic benefits of these initiatives. They offer individuals the opportunity to obtain citizenship in a country by making a significant financial investment. These programs have been growing in popularity, with countries like Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, El Salvador, Kenya, and Laos planning to introduce such programs.

The future of these programs is likely to see more countries introducing similar initiatives to attract foreign investment. However, the success of these programs will depend on various factors, including the country’s political stability, economic performance, and the benefits offered to investors.

The role of international agencies in regulating citizenship programs

International agencies play a pivotal role in regulating citizenship by investment programs, ensuring they adhere to international standards and best practices. These programs are offered by various countries who offering citizenship for investment purposes, providing an alternative route to traditional immigration processes.

Citizenship by programs for financial investments are prevalent in many countries, including Caribbean countries like St. Kitts and Nevis, European Union member states like Malta, and others. These programs offer a range of investment options and numerous benefits to investors, including visa-free travel to numerous countries, a favorable tax environment, and the potential for future generations to inherit the acquired citizenship. Some programs even offer the possibility of obtaining dual citizenship.

countries where you can buy citizenship - Imperial citizenship

Eligibility criteria for these programs are stringent. Applicants must demonstrate a clear criminal history, provide documentation to immigration officials, and sometimes show proof of a certain net worth or income level. The investment application process is thorough and can take several months to complete.

International agencies regulate these programs to ensure they are transparent, fair, and beneficial to both the investor and the host country.

Professional International agencies monitor the programs to ensure they contribute to national development funds, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth. They also ensure that the programs do not facilitate money laundering or other illicit activities.


In conclusion, international advisory company specializing in investor programs to obtain residence Imperial Citizenship play a crucial role in regulating citizenship by investment programs, ensuring they adhere to international standards and best practices. These programs offer a unique opportunity for foreign nationals to acquire citizenship through investment, contributing to the economic growth and development of the host country while enjoying the benefits of global citizenship.

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