Becoming an Antigua Citizen: Your Guide to Investment-Based Citizenship

Considering becoming an Antigua citizen through investment? You’re not alone. Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Program provides a straightforward pathway to citizenship, granting access to a host of benefits including visa-free travel, tax advantages, and more. This guide offers a comprehensive overview, detailing investment options, the application process, and eligibility criteria, ensuring you have the information needed to make an informed decision about joining the ranks of global individuals who have chosen this Caribbean paradise as their second home.

Key Takeaways

  • Antigua and Barbuda offer citizenship through an investment program that requires a minimum stay of five days within five years and provides visa-free access to numerous countries.
  • Potential citizens can invest in the National Development Fund, real estate, or business with varying minimum investments and are subject to thorough due diligence and background checks.
  • Benefits of Antigua and Barbuda citizenship include extensive visa-free travel, a favorable tax regime, potential for dual citizenship, and the ability to pass citizenship to future generations.

Exploring Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Antigua and Barbuda, a picturesque twin-island nation nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, is much more than a tourist hotspot. It offers individuals the exceptional opportunity of obtaining citizenship through its well-regulated Citizenship by Investment Program. This program has been a beacon of economic stability, attracting discerning investors worldwide.

Apart from its beautiful landscape, Antigua and Barbuda offer:

  • A robust legal and regulatory framework that ensures the rights and privileges of its citizens
  • The Antigua and Barbuda passport, a strong travel document offering visa-free access to numerous countries
  • A competitive tax regime, offering a host of financial benefits to its citizens
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

So, whether you’re a global entrepreneur looking for a strategic business base or a high-net-worth individual seeking an alternative home, Antigua and Barbuda citizenship could be your ideal choice.

Antigua and Barbuda: A Caribbean Paradise

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda, often referred to as the “Gem of the Caribbean,” is a haven for high-net-worth families and individuals. With its warm climate, stunning beaches, and luxury amenities, it offers an exclusive lifestyle that attracts celebrities and discerning investors alike.

Not only is the twin-island nation blessed with natural beauty, but it also guarantees a safe and secure environment, making it an ideal destination for families. Thanks to the country’s low crime rates and economic stability, residents enjoy a high quality of life that is hard to beat.

Whether it’s taking a stroll on one of the 365 breathtaking beaches, or enjoying a round of golf at a world-class course, every day in Antigua and Barbuda is a day in paradise.

Citizenship by Investment Program

Instituted in 2013, the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program offers an expedited and secure path to citizenship through investment. The program is meticulously overseen by the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU), ensuring adherence to all legal criteria.

The program offers several investment routes, allowing potential citizens to choose an option that best suits their individual circumstances. Once successful applicants receive their citizenship, they must fulfill a residency requirement of at least five days within the first five years, further enhancing their connection to this Caribbean paradise.

Investment Options for Antigua Citizenship

Obtaining Antigua and Barbuda citizenship offers potential investors a choice of three investment options: a contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF), real estate investments, or business investments. Each of these options comes with its own set of benefits and requirements, allowing individuals to choose the path that best aligns with their financial goals.

The base minimum investment requirement for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is $100,000. However, this can increase depending on the chosen investment option. For instance, real estate investments require a minimum investment of $400,000, which can be reduced to $200,000 in certain projects. The total investment cost, including additional processing fees, due diligence fees, and government fees, varies depending on the chosen investment option.

Investment Options for Antigua Citizenship

National Development Fund (NDF) Contribution

The National Development Fund (NDF) contribution, which includes a government fee, is a popular option for those seeking Antigua citizenship. This fund is a non-profit foundation set up for the purpose of funding government-sponsored projects, including public-private partnerships and charitable investments. The minimum NDF contribution for a single applicant or a family of up to four members is $100,000, with an additional $25,000 required for a family of five or more.

In addition to the NDF contribution, applicants must also pay due diligence fees and processing fees. The due diligence fees range from $2,000 to $7,500 depending on the applicant’s relationship to the main investor. Furthermore, an additional processing fee of $30,000 is required for a family of up to four, with an additional $15,000 charged for every dependent after the fourth.

Real Estate Investment Opportunities

The Antigua and Barbuda real estate market offers a wealth of investment opportunities. From beachfront villas to luxury resorts, investors can choose from a range of properties to meet the minimum required investment of $200,000 for the real estate option in the Citizenship by Investment program.

Investments in real estate in Antigua and Barbuda offer the following benefits:

  • Path to citizenship
  • Opportunity to generate returns
  • Minimum holding period of 5 years
  • Option to sell properties or generate rental income
  • Government-supported development projects and economic factors shape the market, making it a lucrative investment option.

Business Investment Pathway

For those interested in contributing to the nation’s economy, the Business Investment pathway provides an opportunity to do so. To qualify for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship through this pathway, a single business venture requires a minimum investment of $1.5 million. The invested business must significantly contribute to the nation’s economy, such as by creating jobs.

This pathway also allows for joint ventures, where multiple investors can collectively meet a $5 million investment requirement, with individual contributions of at least $400,000 each. However, potential business investments must gain pre-approval from the Cabinet, so it’s crucial to ensure that any proposed venture aligns with the country’s economic objectives.

Eligibility and Requirements

Requirements for Antigua citizenship

While the financial investment or donation is a significant part of the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program, it’s not the only requirement. Applicants must also meet certain eligibility criteria to ensure they are of good character and have the means to fulfill their investment commitments.

One essential requirement is the minimum residency requirement. Once citizenship has been granted, the individual must spend a minimum of five days in Antigua and Barbuda within the first five years. This not only strengthens their connection to the country but also allows them to experience the beauty and culture of their new home.

Applicant Qualifications

To qualify for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, applicants must fulfill certain criteria. Firstly, they must be over 18 years old with a clear criminal history, and must provide evidence of legally obtained income. This ensures that the program attracts individuals of good character who can contribute positively to the country.

Unlike many other citizenship by investment programs, Antigua and Barbuda’s program does not impose any:

  • language requirements
  • education level prerequisites
  • management experience demands.

This makes the program accessible to a wider range of individuals, including those without a formal education or those who are non-native English speakers.

Family Inclusion

The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program is designed with families in mind. The program allows for the inclusion of immediate family members such as spouses and children in the initial citizenship application. This is particularly advantageous for those seeking to relocate their entire family to a new country.

In addition to immediate family members, the program also allows for the inclusion of:

  • dependent children up to the age of 30
  • dependent parents aged 55 and above
  • unmarried siblings of the main applicant or their spouse, provided they are without children and financially dependent on the main applicant

This flexibility extends even after citizenship has been obtained, with no time constraints for adding dependents.

Due Diligence and Background Checks

To ensure the integrity of the Citizenship by Investment Program, all applicants must undergo comprehensive background checks. These checks, which require the payment of non-refundable due diligence fees and passport fees, are necessary to verify the applicant’s good character and ensure compliance with government formalities.

The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) is responsible for carrying out these checks, which include:

  • Ensuring that applicants have clean criminal records
  • Checking for any dubious financial history
  • Conducting an interview as a vital step in the due diligence process

This rigorous procedure helps maintain the reputation and integrity of the program, ensuring that only deserving applicants are granted Antigua and Barbuda citizenship.

Application Process and Timeline

Applying for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship involves a multi-step process that includes:

  1. Documentation collection
  2. Application submission
  3. Due diligence
  4. Approval
  5. Investment finalization
  6. Passport issuance

While this might seem overwhelming, working with a professional firm, leader inCitizenship by Investment, can simplify this process and ensure that all steps are completed correctly.

Antigua citizenship Application Process

It’s worth noting that the application process is not instantaneous. Compiling necessary documentation is a significant part of the process, which takes most applicants between 2 to 6 weeks to complete. Once the application is submitted, the Citizenship by Investment Unit aims to process applications within 6 to 9 months, including a 90-day processing time for NDF options, followed by a 30-day window to make the required investment upon approval.

Document Preparation

Document preparation is the most important part of the application process. Applicants must collect personal documents such as national identity cards, birth certificates, and passport-size photos. Additionally, individuals aged 12 years or older must submit an HIV test result, which should be no more than 3 months old.

Working with a specialists can ease the process of document collection and submission. These specialists can provide invaluable assistance in ensuring all required documents are properly completed and submitted, thereby increasing the chances of a successful citizenship application.

Application Submission and Review

Once all necessary documents have been collected, the application can be submitted. During the review process, the CIU may request additional information or schedule an interview with the applicant. This allows the CIU to verify the information provided and gain a better understanding of the applicant’s motives for applying for citizenship.

Once the review process is complete and the application is approved, the applicant is required to fulfill their investment commitment.

Approval, Investment, and Passport Issuance

Upon approval of the application, the next step is to fulfill the investment commitment. This involves contributing to the National Development Fund, investing in real estate, or making a business investment, depending on the option chosen by the applicant.

Once the investment is made and verified, the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) issues a certificate of registration of citizenship. The new citizen must then take the Oath of Allegiance, either within Antigua and Barbuda or at an external Antiguan Embassy, High Commission, or Consular Office.

Following the Oath of Allegiance, the government processes and issues the Antigua passport to those who are granted citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda.

Advantages of Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Investing in Antigua and Barbuda citizenship offers a world of opportunities, including:

  • Visa-free travel to many countries
  • Access to a stable and secure financial system
  • Potential tax advantages
  • The ability to pass citizenship down generations to come

These advantages go beyond just the right to live in a Caribbean paradise.

Advantages of Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Passport holders from Antigua and Barbuda can visit 153 countries and territories without needing a visa. These include:

  • All EU Schengen zone countries
  • The UK
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore

Moreover, passport holders also qualify for a 10-year B1/B2 visa to the United States, allowing stays for up to six months per calendar year.

On the financial front, citizens can benefit from Antigua and Barbuda’s:

  • No-tax-on-worldwide-income policy
  • No inheritance, capital gains, or tax personal income
  • Welcoming of dual citizenship and no requirement to relinquish other nationalities, offering greater flexibility for citizens.

Visa-Free Travel Privileges

One of the most significant advantages of Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is the extensive visa-free travel privileges it offers. Antiguan and Barbudan passport holders can travel to over 150 countries without requiring a visa, providing unparalleled global mobility.

In recent years, the list of countries allowing visa-free access has continued to expand. Some examples include:

  • Bolivia
  • India
  • Kosovo
  • Russia

Moreover, Antigua and Barbuda passport holders enjoy visa-free travel to the Schengen Area, providing easy access to most of Europe.

With ongoing diplomatic efforts focused on increasing the number of countries allowing visa-free travel, the value of Antigua and Barbuda citizenship continues to grow.

Tax Benefits and Financial Incentives

In addition to visa-free travel, Antigua and Barbuda citizenship offers substantial financial incentives. The country operates a beneficial tax regime, with no personal income tax on worldwide income, no capital gains tax, and no estate tax. These benefits can lead to significant financial savings, particularly for high-net-worth individuals and business owners.

Property taxes in Antigua and Barbuda are relatively low, ranging from 0.1% to 0.5% of the market value. For non-resident property owners, undeveloped land taxes of 10% to 20% apply, and if they lease out their properties, they are taxed at 25% of their net rental income. However, the benefits of duty-free trading within the Caribbean can more than offset these costs, making Antigua and Barbuda an attractive location for business and investment.

Dual Citizenship and Global Mobility

The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program offers the invaluable advantage of dual citizenship, opening a world of possibilities for investors and their families. By allowing the retention of one’s original nationality, the program caters to those seeking to expand their global footprint without giving up their roots. This aspect of the program underscores a commitment to providing investors not only with a second citizenship but also with a sense of security and belonging.

Key Benefits of Dual Citizenship Through Antigua and Barbuda:

Antigua Dual Citizenship
  1. Lifelong Citizenship with Generational Benefits: Antigua and Barbuda’s program grants citizenship for life, which means that once you become a citizen, it’s a status that you hold indefinitely. This lifelong citizenship can be passed down to future generations, ensuring that the benefits, privileges, and security it brings extend beyond a single lifetime to become a lasting legacy for your descendants.
  2. Global Mobility: One of the most compelling advantages of Antiguan citizenship is the visa-free access it provides to numerous countries around the world. This opens up unparalleled opportunities for travel, business, and education, allowing citizens to explore, work, and live with an extraordinary level of freedom.
  3. Ease of Visa Acquisition: For countries that do require visas, holding an Antiguan passport often simplifies the application process. This means that where visas are necessary, Antiguan citizens may find it easier to obtain them, thanks to the international agreements and relationships that Antigua and Barbuda have established.
  4. Minimal Residency Requirement: To maintain their citizenship, investors are only required to spend a minimum of five days in Antigua and Barbuda within the first five years of obtaining their citizenship. This nominal requirement is designed to foster a connection with the country while accommodating the busy lifestyles of global citizens. It represents a commitment to flexibility and acknowledges the diverse needs and commitments of international investors.

The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program is designed with the modern global citizen in mind. It offers not just a passport or a means to travel but a comprehensive package of benefits that cater to those looking for security, mobility, and a legacy to pass on to their families. The dual citizenship option underscores the program’s understanding of the complex identities and attachments of international investors, offering a solution that respects their heritage while opening new doors to the future.

Working with a Trusted Firm: Imperial Citizenship

Antigua citizenship - Imperial citizenship

Applying for citizenship in a foreign country can be a complex process, but working with a trusted firm like Imperial Citizenship can simplify this journey. As a leading advisory company specializing in investor programs, we offer comprehensive services to guide you through every step of the process, from document preparation to application submission.

Our team of specialists is dedicated to ensuring that all applications are complete and accurate, significantly raising the chances for a successful citizenship application. While we cannot guarantee the issuance of an Antigua and Barbuda passport, their expertise and dedication can make the application process smoother and more efficient.


Antigua and Barbuda present a unique opportunity for individuals and families to gain second citizenship through investment. From the beautiful landscapes and vibrant culture to the financial benefits and global mobility, the advantages of Antigua and Barbuda citizenship are unparalleled. Whether you’re a high-net-worth individual looking for a strategic business base or a family seeking a safe and secure environment, Antigua and Barbuda offer a world of opportunities. With the help of a trusted firm like Imperial Citizenship, your dream of dual citizenship could become a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get Antigua citizenship?

To obtain citizenship in Antigua, you can either make a real estate purchase of at least $200,000 and hold it for 5 years, or make a non-refundable donation to the government of Antigua and Barbuda, with varying amounts based on family size.

Are Antiguans British citizens?

Yes, some residents of Antigua and Barbuda gained British nationality after arrangements were made for Independence Day in 1981. Those born in Antigua and Barbuda could have held Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC) status.

Is Antiguan a nationality?

Yes, Antiguan is a nationality, and it can be obtained either by birth in Antigua and Barbuda, or through birth abroad to a parent with Antiguan or Barbudan nationality.

Why Antigua citizenship?

Obtaining Antigua citizenship offers key benefits, such as visa-free travel to over 150 countries including the Schengen Area, the UK, and Canada.

What is the minimum investment required for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship?

The minimum investment required for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is $100,000, with the possibility of increasing based on the chosen investment option.

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